Captain’s Log:

Me ship and me crew were the most feared pirates in all yee land, till now. Neither the crew nor the ships be as dependable as they once were, and now the sea be overrun with creatures and enemy ships. You might say we be down on our luck, but I say we be cursed. All I can do is man the rudder, the rest be up to them... And luck. Can we find all the dice break the curse, or be we doomed to the depths of the sea. Never have I felt so out of control


Right click on dice to collect resource

Left click on dice to perform action

“A” - “D” turn the ship - needs rudder control

The dice re-roll only after all actions or resources have been used

The ship cannot pass through the rocks

Seaweed slows the ship down 

Careful! Taking damage will hurt your dice and your chances of success


Red dice face -  Ammo 

Blue dice face - Shield charge

Green dice face- Rudder Control


Up arrow - moves ship forward

Dash up - full speed ahead

Fire cannon left - fires cannon on the port side side of the ship - need ammo to fire

Fire cannon right - fires cannon on the starboard side of the ship - need ammo to fire

Shield - surrounds your ship in a force field for a couple of seconds - shield needs to have charge


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Very cool idea!